LEIXÕES A 15/10/1950
Os contratorpedeiros HMS ST. KITTS e HMS SOLEBAY na doca nº 1 do porto de Leixões em 15/10/1950 / O Comércio do Porto /.
city of Oporto is being distinguished with the visit of His British Majesty’s
sailors. Some of the powerful Royal Navy´s units today are due at the port of
Leixões, being a small taken of the enormous sea-power held by a nation, ruled
by the inborn and steadfast sentiments of freedom and mutual respect, also by
the comprehensive realization of a patriotism having successfully stood the
ordeal of the centuries whilst writing some of England’s most brilliant pages
of history.
warships, calling at the port of Leixões, gave come over on a courteous and friendly
visit to England’s oldest ally. This is a proof real affection and sympathy,
soundly echoed by the hearts of all Oporto citizens, as it forges yet another
strong unbreakable, link in the solid ties binding both peoples.
The warm
welcome, to be given to the British sailors, the legitimate representatives of
countless other marines who fought,
suffered and lost their lives in the sea the world over, during the tremendous
armed conflict of all timeswill give evidence, not only of our sincere
affection, but also of our high admiration for all those who have known how to
fight in the protection of those principles on which Humanity depends for its
dignity. This is the time for us to give them all the proof of our deep appreciation,
esteem, consideration and respect. The city’s authorities, fully alive to these
sentiments, mapped out on adequate reception programme, unreservedly seconded
by the town’s citizens, who will give a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the
gallant sailors of England, received not as mere visitors but, indeed, real
friends, and honoured guests, held in the highest regard.
COMERCIO DO PORTO”, associated to the several firms, all of them forming the
pivot to intense trade between Portugal and Great Britain, warmly greets England’s
gallant marines, and says; WELCOME THE BRITISH NAVY!
(In o jornal “O COMERCIO DO PORTO” de
O HMS SOLEBAY demanda o porto de Leixões em 15/10/1950 / F. Cabral, Porto /.
A 15/10/1950, pelas 09h00,
demandava o porto Leixões em visita de cortesia a 5ª flotilha de
contratorpedeiros da “Royal Navy”, constituída pelas seguintes unidades HMS
SOLEBAY (D70), navio chefe, HMS ST. KITTS (D18), HMS GRAVELINES (D24) e HMS
CADIZ (D79), que foram atracar à doca nº 1 – lado Sul – topo Oeste,
permanecendo cerca de três dias, aproveitando a visita, após manobras navais, para
descanso da guarnição de cerca de 1.500 homens, que desembarcados, espalharam-se
por Matosinhos/Leça, Gaia e cidade do Porto, dando um certo colorido com os
seus uniformes, e alguns “drinks”. Vários eventos foram organizados pelas
autoridades locais em honra das guarnições dos quatro “destroyers”, os quais foram
conduzidas, respectivamente pelos pilotos Elísio da Silva Pereira, José Fernandes
Amaro Júnior, Manuel Pereira e Luis Ventura.
Aquelas unidades da “Home
Fleet” com base em Portsmouth, passados os três dias de estadia, deixaram o
porto de Leixões de rumo ao porto de Setúbal, onde desgraçadamente quatro
elementos da guarnição perderam a vida, quando o automóvel em que se faziam conduzir
despenhou-se nas águas do Sado, junto à proa das suas unidades.
GRAVELINES voltaram a Leixões, em visita de cortesia, a 19/03/1953.
Este tipo de “destroyers”, em
minha opinião, foram dos mais belos, que alguma vez vi.
Fonte: José Fernandes Amaro Júnior, Wikipedia, Imprensa
Rui Amaro
Rui Amaro
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